With the expansion of the gray literature registry (unconventional literature) in the area of HRS in Latin America and the Caribbean, this space was created for quick access to publications of interest from the Network of Observatories of Human Health Resources, where you will find reports, guides, policies and other technical and scientific publications with the possibility of using filters by topic, year of publication, country, language, among others.


Search interface that allows the recovery of indexed documents of the Repository of Human Health Resources.

Results: 2

Autoevaluación diagnóstica en enfermería

Enferm. univ; 16 (1), 2019
Resumen Introducción La evaluación educativa en enfermería que se realiza en la ENEO, ha representado múltiples esfuerzos de proyectos institucionales de carácter formativo. A más de dos décadas de experiencia, se requiere realizar un diagnóstico que permita identificar fortalezas y debilidades ...

Clinical reasoning in nursing: teaching strategies and assessment tools

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: To present the concept and development of teaching strategies and the assessment tools regarding clinical reasoning for accurate practice. Method: This is a theoretical reflection based on scientific studies. Results: Comprehension of the essential concepts of the thought process a...